Pavala Sankari

s 1476587
Feathers, cute little peacock feathers
Bright and beautiful with multicolours
Brushing smoothly with rosy petals
Transcends through the flowery heart
Brings the cool breeze to float within
Carrys angel’s blessings to have light heart!

Rolling pearls on the cheeks
I know not what they mean
Rise in the heart, and roll from the eyes,
In looking on the fresh rosy fields,
And recalling of the past days,
By playing with the teddy toys!!

Cool as the blossom of jasmine
That brings the scented breeze
That sinks with all my lovely days
So sad, so smart , so sweet so cute
The days that are no more
Oh sad, and strange as in sunken childhood

Nosegays! oh make me wake up
Heaven – flowers glitters as golden
Twinkling stars of floating eyes
Circling around the holy childhood
Softly, oh softly ringing melody bells
Angel’s rhythm pings the peace at ease!!


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