Baskar Seshadri

My Friend Sivakumar is a big hearted person. He with his wife spends a great deal of time every day to feed the pets in and around Mandaveli. They are too kind enough to spend good money and involve their maximum time in all the activities of social interest. Every day they feed hundreds of birds on their terrace in Mandaveli almost like Camera Sekar of Royappettah. They soak the rice the previous night and provide the breakfast to the waiting birds every day in the Morning and evening. Have you ever seen Hundreds of parrots sitting on a perfect line to take their food every day? It happens at his terrace. Both of them are jointly involved in the activities and are showing the best of Humanity.

Not only this. They are in a touch with a NGO and are providing the water-bowls to the street animals and Birds wherever they could.  Only yesterday i was just planning a water bowl near my house. Last year a young Tejaswi did the same and had erected a water bowl at the beginning of Thiruvengadam Street, Mandaveli .

This evening Siva fondly as he is being called by one and all rang me to say that he was ready with a bowl for me. In next five minutes he landed in front of My House and placed the bowl. What more? He even went in to fetch water and made the first filling. I was so moved at the act of this couple. Thanks Siva and Mrs Viji for all the great qualities of yours. May your tribe increase.

My Respects and Kudos.

Please support Sivakumar and His family in his mission and he will be too glad to take the support. Siva a down to earth person is my friend for the past Forty Five Years and even before.

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