History Makes itself a History

Baskar Seshadri

St. Luke’s Church building on Mandaveli street junction may not be known to many Mylaporeans Its tucked at the end of Adam street and connect to Mandaveli street near the old Market area. It was an effort made by the renowned Wesleyan Mission long years ago and i have been seeing this building since my childhood days as that was my route to PS High school by walk way back in 1970’s .

The maintenance was extremely bad those days and many did not consider it even for a heritage value and only in early 2000. The building was modernised a bit without any big changes and the appearance of the old version looked like a haunted place before that

Strangely in that part of area there are few more buildings still now which looks even today like a Boot Bungalow. But the Managers here at Church managed to make it look better decades back.

However this place was never put into frequent usage even then. With the emergence of Covid 19 the opening of this place is something rare and you can always find it locked. This comes under the CSI ambit and few historians had wrote about this entity in local tabloids those days. Few Years ago if i remember right that place acted as a good samaritan shop under the head of Rev Sailas Gnanadass and it was MLA Sri Nataraj who presided the shop.

Keeping in mind the heritage value in its entirety it can be revisited by the concerned people to show the glory of the past. This coming January 14th 2021, This church is going to start its 107th Year of its existence. History is to be remembered not just in books but in the minds of the people more in the minds of locals who were part of such installations of those days. Few Photo Courtesy – V Sriram / DT Next. The cleaned tablets were shot by me and Posted here .

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