Inauguration of the “International year of water cooperation – 2013”
Nemili, Sriperumbudur – 602 105
The Management, Principal, Staff and Students cordially invite for
Inauguration of the “International year of water cooperation – 20 on 22nd April 2013
Dr. Sultan Ismail
Managing Director
Ecoscience Research Foundation, Chennai.
Have kindly consented to facilitate the function at 9.00 am at Seminar hall.
Mr.Jacob George Mr.George Jacob
General Secretary CEO
Dr.H.Ranganathan Mrs. G.Anne Josephine
Principal Joint Director
Program Schedule
Venue – Seminar hall
Time Event
10.30 to 10.35 a.m Tamil Thai vazthu
10.35 to 10.40 a.m Welcome Address
10.40 to 10.50 a.m Theme of Celebration by Joint Director 10.50 to 10.55 a.m Release of Calendar of Events by Chief Guest
10.55 to 11.05 a.m Felicitation by Principal
11.05 to 11.25 a.m Address by the Chief Guest
11.25 to 11.35 a.m Annual report of Communication club
11.35 to 11.40 a.m Prize Distribution by Chief Guest
11.40 to 12.00 p.m Awareness program on Water Conservation
12.00 to 12.05 p.m Vote of Thanks
12.05 to 12.10 p.m National Anthem
12.10 to 12.30 p.m Workshop on Save Water save Life