
 Baskar Seshadri

Any charisma of a person has its Limitations and there is no Image that will sustain for indefinite time.

The Results of Karnataka had proven the same and in the case of Yogi the results in local body elections are not that great in Uttar Pradesh. Even in the case of MGR we had seen his downfall once though, he was able to manage the ladder of Success in no time.

BJP Party on the whole think that they can steer any election anytime with a magic name. This is a rusted Philosophy.

If only BJP Leaves the religion placard and Hindutva always it cannot be a wholistic party winning all over again and again since People had started feeling averse to many of their ideologies and run on policies all these eight years.

BJP Thinks that they can make a throwback of money and dented freebie systems which they once said as a danger to a country.

Now BJP men say these freebies were announced without the knowledge of Namo? Then what was Amit and Nadda doing all these Days? The party has to be function at Ground level and be reasonable in all their approach towards the govt and Their schemes.

Tamilnadu people are not ready like many people who think the next govt is ready on a platter to Annamalai. It’s not a cake walk or bed or roses.

Hundreds of Flowers and Garlands and Helicopter Landing cannot bring victories overnite.

Let Amits and Anaamalais Realise this. Act and win the confidence of the people as all as inclusive without using religion card and Divisive Politics.

Please be aware we had govts even before BJP in India and Narasimha Rao ‘s performance had not seen a match till this day. People with national fervour and spirit are in everyone’s Blood here and dont try to create a feeling that it’s a wholesale owned by BJP

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