Age is not even a Number
Baskar Seshadri
When some plans go bit bad, the outcome of Tensive Moments Raise the Pressure Level. I had one such experience on the dawn of the New Year.
As per the plan a Genset should have reached the site yesterday evening around ten in the night. I was assured by my counterpart I need not have to worry and i tucked in my pills as usual with a hope that all will go well.
But some kind of intuition made me feel bit uncomfortable all along and as expected i got a call from the Customer early around 1.30 am. With no answer on hand i thought i should attempt to end this issue and started to Kottivakkam to oversee the unloading of the same in the Biting cold.
There was nothing in my mind except to complete the work and biked there to the spot in thirty minutes flat since there was no traffic issue all along.
But by the time i reached the concerned team had completed the work and i heaved a sigh of relief.
Moral – 1 We should not take things for granted just because it was Entrusted.
2 Ignore the thought “Should we Go” at this Late Hour from the Mind.
3 – Age is not even a number if only one is determined.
Back home around three i sipped my favourite tea on a road side shop and now preparing to go to Bed.
For me New Year is going to start only after a nap. May be after an hour or in the Noon. But I still Feel Driving.