Sastra College and The Dubious ways of Grabbing


Baskar Seshadri 

The Great efforts of Justice SM Subramaniam, Justice CV Karthikeyan and Justice Mrs. Bhanumathi was so splendid and they did their best to ensure that the encroached land of Sastra University be given back to Tamilnadu. The land was grabbed almost thirty years back and it was more than twenty five acres at that time and later they started grabbing further more and now it stands at 31 Acres Plus. Every time Sastra was in the habit of applying for fresh cases and deviate the legal process and till march 24th of this year the case had not seen the light of the judgement .

Based on the recent process it is believed that the college cannot move further and in few months the judgement can be expected in favour of the Government. The land grabbed by the college do not belong to any individual or any corporate company but its the part and parcel of Tamilnadu’s Property. The Judge once Said in the court “You have encroached the land that was meant for a prison on the government land and you talk about the justice and the great deeds of the college that too from their Land”.

Its the college apart from vacating the land has to pay the compensation “It was Justice Subramaniam who told this in the court. And he even Said ” You rob a house and when you are caught you justify and plead in the court that you did a good deed to the same family by giving a lot to them” Never in History an offender goes to this extend to defend and Justify the wrong action.

At one stage when the issue was taken up in the court It was Justice Smt. Bhanumathi to whom the case went for hearing and she said —” No Merits in SLP. Case Dismissed . —A slap on Sastra. Truth will Triumph.

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